Thinking of letting? Get an instant or expert valuation

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Investing in property?

Investing in property?

If you already have a property in mind, find out how much you could let for.

Your local lettings experts

With a vastly experienced team, Mid Cornwall Lettings have been helping people in the local area with their rental requirements for many years. Covering a wide area from Gorran Haven through St Austell and out to Lostwithiel, Roche, Grampound Road and beyond, we have your best interests at heart when it comes to property in Cornwall.

We're here to help you:

Rent a property

Find the perfect place to rent.


Let your property

All the lettings services you need, under one roof.


What's your property worth?

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Your property journey starts here

Looking to sell or let your home? Start with a quick and easy valuation. Choose from our instant online valuation, or request a more in-depth expert valuation.

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